I am a Playwrights Theatre Centre Associate
Casa Victoria Ocampo, Buenos Aires, 2020, photo by José
I am thrilled to announce that I am one of four playwrights selected for the 2021-2024 edition of Playwrights Theatre Centre’s Associates program. As an Associate, I’ll be receiving three years of dramaturgical engagement, including stipend, process design, dramaturgical collaboration, workshops with actors, studio space, support finding producing partners, digital and technical experience and support, and opportunities to present Binary Star, my work in progress, directly to PTC’s varied communities, online, and in programs like PTC’s Unscripted Series. I’ll be working closely with the brilliant, ever-inquisitive dramaturg extraordinaire Joanna Garfinkel.
Set within the British Columbia interior during the wildfires of 2003, and in Buenos Aires in March 2020, just as the pandemic has begun to turn the world upside-down, Binary Star explores the twinned limits of geography and language, and the fissures and fidelities of troubled, ardent love.
From supporting early workshops for Cloudless to inviting me to WrightSpace residencies to develop my plays Mote and Island, PTC has been a tremendous, invaluable ally to my work as a playwright. I’m honoured, grateful and super excited by their three-year commitment to Binary Star, which is in its earliest stages, will demand investigative research into numerous subjects, and will surely take us places none of us have yet imaged.
Read the full press release—and learn about my impressive cohort and their projects—here.